
Taking Inventory and Creating an Estate Plan

Dunlap Law Insights

Estate plans are a crucial part of protecting the assets that one has worked so hard to acquire over the course of their lives, and those who have decided to create one should not ignore any aspect of the process. The amount of effort that one puts into reviewing all of their options and approaching the estate planning process could have a significant impact on their loved ones in the years ahead, and there are many facets of preparing properly. In this post, we will examine the importance of taking inventory.

In order to protect your estate, you must have a solid understanding of everything you own and how to protect it with an estate plan. Taking inventory is a crucial part of the process, and you should make sure you examine everything you own carefully. For example, you should note the value of your home, jewelry, art, other properties and vehicles. You should review and list your liabilities, such as your mortgage and debts, and you should compile a list of your insurance policies. If you have safety deposit boxes, these should be listed as well, and you should also have statements from your bank and retirement accounts.

By thoroughly reviewing your assets and debts, you can have a clear understanding of your financial circumstances and move on to figuring out which type of estate plan will protect your assets the most. There are a lot of options when it comes to estate plans and our law firm knows how daunting the process may appear to be. However, preparation can make things considerably easier.
